Okay, it really is my nephew Derek's birthday today. Unfortunately for him, he has an uncle that thinks it is funny to forget his name.
When Derek was born I had just started my senior year at St. Bonaventure University and I think that he came into the world at 8 lbs and 14 oz (I was 8 lbs and 13 oz when I was born, so he surpassed me at day one). Derek is now all grown up and in college, but I can still remember a certain video of him as a little boy. If only I had it here, it would be all over the Internet by now.
The video was about his first day of school and my sister Tam was so excited that she wanted to film the day for posterity. She filmed him when he got on the bus and then again when he returned home. As he came through the door, she starting asking Derek a series of questions about his day and he went on and on about how the teacher had forgotten to give him milk during his snack. I am not sure how this happened, but it clearly upset him. Tam then changed the subject and asked him what he had learned and Derek perked up and began to tell her all the wonderful things that he had been taught.
He said that the teacher showed the class how to somersault, stand on their heads and then how to jump off chairs, and all the while he was demonstrating this to my sister and giving her a complete play-by-play. She was laughing hysterically and her hold on the camera got a little shaky, but Derek continued to recount his unbelievable day. I wonder if they teach similar things down at Midwestern State.
Happy Birthday, Derek!

Derek birthday update: Mike held the phone while Tam talked to Derek on his birthday! Yay!